Simple passive grounding – is it as safe as you think?
For years now simple passive grounding has been used throughout industry as a cost-effective safety measure and protection against fires and explosions caused by static electricity but is it as safe as you think?
Passive Grounding
Passive grounding clamps and cables are only suitable if the metallic object to be grounded has a bright clean surface. Paint, rust and product build up causes a barrier between the metal surface and the clamp, so how do you know that you have made a good low resistance connection to the metal object and the local site ground point? You don’t.
Active Grounding
Active grounding clamps and cables contain intrinsically safe circuits that measure the resistance between the clamp teeth and the local site ground point to be less than 10 Ohms. This connection is confirmed to the user throughout the duration of the process by a high intensity flashing green LED.